How to convert BVH to FBX via IClone 7?

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How to convert BVH to FBX? So, we start our second tutorial on converting motion files in BVH format. Let's start with the 3D Exchange pipeline program you already know. Open the BVH file using the Open tab in the upper left corner of the File drop-down menu. We see that a human skeleton has appeared on the screen. Align it in the field and in the center of the radio using the buttons in the right corner of the program. Convert the skeleton to a custom avatar. Then we put Daz Genezis in the skeleton settings, since the BVH file is friendly to the Daz program. Turn on the radio - the "Activity" button in the "Tpose" pop-up menu. After that we can convert our skeleton by clicking on the "Convert" button. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After that we can check the movements of the skeleton by clicking in the "Animation" section of the "Motion Library" subsection. After checking the movements, we proceed to the process of converting the BVH file to the IClone –.rlmotion movement file format. To do this, we need to click the "Export to IClone" button in the main upper menu of the program. After that you will have a pop-up window "Export IClone Content". Do not put a tick in the radio button "Export geometry" and make the radio active - the button "Export animation" and the button "Export .rlmotion". Select the "Other" button in the "Destination" section. The BVH file is then ready for conversion. Now we return to the IClone 7 program. As you can see, we have already prepared the scene a little for clarity of displaying the movement. A character is placed in the scene and the semblance of an inclined wall, along which the character will climb, like a ladder. Find our converted motion in the "Custom motion" tab by going to the "Custom motion" folder. Sorry, at first I transferred the movement not to the character, but to the wall. Now I'm fixing it, transferring the movement to the character. As you can see, the girl turned around and went to climb the wall. The quality of movement, of course, is not quite what you need, but this is not our movement either, as you understand. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After checking the motion and editing it, you can add it to the "Custom motion" section under the same name. Now find the modified motion file in the "Custom motion" folder and transfer it to the Blender program for checking. To do this, you need to go to the "IClone Program File" section again and select "Export" from the pop-up menu, and then "Export FBX". Next, we configure the FBX export settings. Selecting Blender's target settings and exporting all motion frames. You can leave the number of frames per second equal to sixty. Having set the texture settings that you need, feel free to press the "Export" button and select the folder where your file in FBX format will be located. Let's call it 01 03 stairs, for example. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After a short wait, go to the Blender program and. of course, we remove the initial cube of the program. In the pop-up menu "File" select the section "Import", and in it the subsection "FBX". We find our FBX file in the folder where you put it. After some waiting, the character's figure appears on the screen, we remove the visibility of the character's armature that interferes with us and see that the girl began to move with some errors. Once again, we repeat that you can eliminate all movement errors yourself in any graphics program, including IClone. We will continue this series of tutorials on motion files. Please subscribe at our channel ! And now a bonus for you: download 3 free motion files format BVH Character Movement Packs and Character Outfit Packs at Low Prices!