How to convert RLmotion via Iclone 7 to Cinema 4D

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How to convert IClone motion file to CINEMA 4D motion file? Hello everyone who is interested in animation of character movements in graphic programs. Today we are going to show you how to easily convert motion from IClone 7 to CINEMA 4D. First, let's open a ready-made scene in the IClone 7 program. You can open any other scene. Go to the Motion section and the Custom subsection to select any motion. For example, we have now chosen a hip hop dance movement. We transfer the motion file to our character. We check the accuracy of the transfer of motion to the character. We go in the upper left menu to the "file" section. In the pop-up menu, select the "Export" section, and in it the "fbx" subsection. And in the target export settings select CINEMA 4D. Further below, select the export of all motion frames, attach the texture and determine its maximum size and aspect ratio. After that, feel free to click on the "export" button at the bottom of the export targets. Select the folder in which to save the converted fbx file. It is done! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now it doesn't bother us to check exactly how the motion file was converted. To do this, go to the CINEMA 4D program, select the "open" section in the upper left corner of the file menu and open our converted file from the folder. We agree with the import settings and after a while our character appears. Move the scene camera a little bit and correct the visibility of the character's bones in the BoneRoot file, having achieved two red dots in the "view" subsection. After that, turn on the loss of movements in the scene. As we can see, the girl moves quite naturally and smoothly - then everything worked out. And now, as a bonus, you can download this dance move file for free, both in FBX and .rlmotion format from the following link: Character Movement Packs and Character Outfit Packs at Low Prices!